Project Activities

Midterm Review

From June 2 to June 7, 2024, the project team met in Cebu City for the ACIAR Midterm Review. The first few days were spent on preparations while the actual face to face review happened on June 5-7, 2024.

There were 3 external reviewers: Dr Rodmyr Datoon (Male), Dr Normito Jr Zapata (M), and Dr. Ricky Lozari (M). 

It was also attended by Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) personnel: Ms Maria Teresa de Guzman (Female), Mr Joel Norman Panganiban (M), and Ms Meliza Abeleda (F). 

The ACIAR Philippines representative was Ms. Jaclyn Damaso-Grey (F). 

From the project team, led by Ms. Michaela Cosijn (CSIRO), it was attended by other members from CSIRO (M:1 & F:2), ANU (F:2), FAC (M:1 & F: 4), UPLB (M: 1 & F: 2), UPMin (M:2 & F:2), and VSU (M:4 & F: 3).


The project conducts a series of internal meetings (online and offline) to get updates from the team members. 

Stakeholder Engagements

There is continuing engagement with the public and private sectors, academic communities and farmer organizations. 

Rapid Market Appraisal

The RMA assessed the attractiveness of products, markets and channels within the target farming system, with a focus on smallholder participation and benefit sharing. The team conducted desktop reviews of consumer demand studies, walking the chain (observations and KIIs) and secondary data to identify key marketing channels for the coffee, coconut and vegetables.

Farming Systems Analysis

This project has identified the need to conduct farming system analysis (FSA) alongside community resource assessment to better understand the conditions that farmers and their communities face that influence their capacity to engage in value chains. The intent is to provide value chain stakeholders with the supporting environment that will sustain initiatives and motivation, past the project’s life. 

Inclusive Value Chain Analysis (IVCA)

The IVCA will diagnose bottlenecks and barriers, and identify opportunities for enhanced participation and benefit sharing along the value chain – from input providers, farming to retail and supporting institutions.

Intergrated Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (I-MEL)

I-MEL will provide IVC facilitators, researchers and value chain stakeholders a process (and analytical tools) to reflect on and evaluate the impacts of interventions in a systematic and structured manner, in order to re-design interventions as needed and to monitor progress towards outcomes.

Inclusive Engagement Framework

This is a framework developed by the project team which aims to ensure social inclusion and minimise any harm via on going interaction and communication between research institutions, private sector, farmers, and other chain actors.